“Those who have lovingly chanted my name at least once will never grieve in any birth”

The reason for all discomforts, sorrows and unrest in the world is the restless mind of the human being. Through spiritual healing, Swamiji aims at guiding the restless human being to peace and tranquility, through which the individual, the family, the nation and the entire world can reach everlasting peace and eternal happiness.

Anything which causes discomfort to human being is disease. Thoughts, food habits and sensual experiences which are not satwik can cause such discomforts. This in turn blocks the natural flow of Prana energy through the Human body which ultimately causes diseases.

In Swamiji’s Spiritual Healing Process, changes are brought about in the energy body of the individual so as to restore the smooth and natural flow of Prana energy through the body, removing the discomfort, which leads to wellbeing of body, peace of mind and tranquility.



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Sai Temple,Mammiyur,Guruvayur,Thrissur District ,Kerala ,India 680101

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