“ It is not to change circumstances, but to give strength to face any situation with a smile”

For a human being , the Sanathana Dharma proposed a system of four important stages of life (Ashramas), for leading a successful life and for attaining the final goal, Moksha. These four stages of life are Brahmacharya, Garhasthya, Vanaprastha and Sanyasa. In ancient Bharath, people practiced these four Ashramas successfully and attained Moksha.

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Among these four Ashramas it is said that the most difficult stage is that of a Gruhastha (House holder) because the Gruhastha has to perform all the duties of a house holder without any aberration from the spiritual path. In modern times, people find it difficult to follow these Ashramas perfectly.

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To overcome this difficulty, Swamiji has designed the concept of ‘Gruhastha Rishi’ for the Sadhakas and Devotees to enable them to continue with their pursuit to enlightenment even while executing their duties in the family. The Gruhastha (house holder) needs to perform his duties to his parents, elders, wife and children, practicing detachment inside as a Rishi, while showing love and attachment outside. The Gruhastha should continue with his spiritual practices, have Satsang with Holy men and read stories like Sree Sai Sacharita regularly, while performing duties in the family. By continuing to lead such a life, the house holder’s heart becomes purer and purer and start realizing the divine presence within.


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Sai Temple,Mammiyur,Guruvayur,Thrissur District ,Kerala ,India 680101

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